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You are viewing Cheat Codes for International Superstar Soccer '98 System : Nintendo 64 Date Added : 2005-09-02 14:03:48 Views : 24014 Bonus Teams: If you finish the league at any difficulty and win, you can play against the World Stars. When you win the World Series at level 4 and defeat the World Stars, you'll have access to 5 more hidden teams. The teams are: Euro Stars A, Euro Stars B, African Stars, Asian Stars, and All-American Stars Other head views: Enter the player creation screen or any point where a player is pictured. Then hold C-Up and press Z, L, or R. The face will turn around. Big Head Mode: Wait for the words "Press Start" to flash on the title screen. Now press C-Up, C-Up, C-Down, C-Down, C-Left, C-Right, C-Left, C-Right, B, A. Now hold the Z button and press Start. You'll hear the announcer shout to confirm the code. Bonus Heads: Complete the International Cup on Level 4 or higher. Once you have viewed the end sequence go to Create Player. At the "head select" screen press the Left Shoulder button. This will take you to page 11 and a selection of strange and unusual heads. Extra Abilities: When creating a player, at the point distribution press C-up for more abilities. More player creation points: Rapidly press C-Up as you make a selection at the player creation screen (where you choose ambi, left , right kick abilities). You should notice a considerable difference in point distribution screen. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more International Superstar Soccer '98 cheat codes.
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